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Registriert: 7. Mai 2012, 18:04
Land: Uk
10V oder 20V oder SQ ?: 10V


#11 Beitrag von amanda » 3. Mai 2010, 00:37

Am so pleased you like the series ..............I don`t want it to end !!!!!!!

Moderator / Klimaguru
Beiträge: 1313
Registriert: 7. März 2012, 23:47
Bundesland / Kanton: ZwischendenzweiMeeren
Land: Deutschland
Mitglied in Q-Club ?: Ja
10V oder 20V oder SQ ?: 10V und 20V
Wohnort: In Sommerland bei Grønland


#12 Beitrag von clusterix » 24. Mai 2010, 17:22

Hi Amanda

I saw the last episode eight this morning, in one word - wow

Yes - It was in fact very hard to see the quattro dying but this scene will make him legendary and the story and background of all was genious created. The packing and compressing all informations into only one final episode to bring all the storylines completely together was a great work and brought up a amazing result..

I had to think about this episode the whole day in the garden working after viewing it this morning
De facto this episode for me is now one who could be compared with fhe best "what is real reality" storys - the genious "Matrix I"

Puhh, episode 8 is pure emotional dynamite
and definetly a end no one has expected...



P.s. it must be very hard for Mr. Hunt to get a MB 190 Diesel after the Quattro[Dieser Beitrag wurde am 24.05.2010 - 15:25 von clusterix aktualisiert]
some say the 10V engine is inefficient - here the truth:
the WR uses 50% for comfortable heating purposes
30% for power and torque - below 3000rpm = more heating avaiable!
20 % for waves of wonderful boneshaking sound
so the engine is 100% efficient..
