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10V oder 20V oder SQ ?: 10V


#1 Beitrag von amanda » 17. März 2010, 22:16

This is specially for Clusterix Keep the 2nd April 9pm free

http://www.denofgeek.com/television/441 … irmed.html

Beiträge: 131
Registriert: 7. Mai 2012, 18:04
Land: Uk
10V oder 20V oder SQ ?: 10V


#2 Beitrag von amanda » 18. März 2010, 01:22

Beiträge: 131
Registriert: 7. Mai 2012, 18:04
Land: Uk
10V oder 20V oder SQ ?: 10V


#3 Beitrag von amanda » 18. März 2010, 20:20

Beiträge: 131
Registriert: 7. Mai 2012, 18:04
Land: Uk
10V oder 20V oder SQ ?: 10V


#4 Beitrag von amanda » 20. März 2010, 20:50

Ohhhhhh this was on the tv last night


Moderator / Klimaguru
Beiträge: 1313
Registriert: 7. März 2012, 23:47
Bundesland / Kanton: ZwischendenzweiMeeren
Land: Deutschland
Mitglied in Q-Club ?: Ja
10V oder 20V oder SQ ?: 10V und 20V
Wohnort: In Sommerland bei Grønland


#5 Beitrag von clusterix » 21. März 2010, 14:31

amanda hat geschrieben:
This is specially for Clusterix Keep the 2nd April 9pm free

http://www.denofgeek.com/television/441 … irmed.html

Hi Amanda

you must be joking we on the damn wet continent have to wait until it is avaiable in the net - but this works quite well in history..

I look forward to see the new episodes, well done!!! thanks for the info


some say the 10V engine is inefficient - here the truth:
the WR uses 50% for comfortable heating purposes
30% for power and torque - below 3000rpm = more heating avaiable!
20 % for waves of wonderful boneshaking sound
so the engine is 100% efficient..

Beiträge: 131
Registriert: 7. Mai 2012, 18:04
Land: Uk
10V oder 20V oder SQ ?: 10V


#6 Beitrag von amanda » 30. März 2010, 18:55

Moderator / Klimaguru
Beiträge: 1313
Registriert: 7. März 2012, 23:47
Bundesland / Kanton: ZwischendenzweiMeeren
Land: Deutschland
Mitglied in Q-Club ?: Ja
10V oder 20V oder SQ ?: 10V und 20V
Wohnort: In Sommerland bei Grønland


#7 Beitrag von clusterix » 6. April 2010, 01:55

Good evening

WOW, i love this episode start!!!!!

This is a big step for growing the quattro mythos

FIRE UP the QUATTRO - i rewinded this quattro scenes almost twenty times -

It will be interestig to see if these Series - especially this episode start quattro scenes will be on air here in Germany..

This season 3 starts in my opinion quite nice


some say the 10V engine is inefficient - here the truth:
the WR uses 50% for comfortable heating purposes
30% for power and torque - below 3000rpm = more heating avaiable!
20 % for waves of wonderful boneshaking sound
so the engine is 100% efficient..

Beiträge: 131
Registriert: 7. Mai 2012, 18:04
Land: Uk
10V oder 20V oder SQ ?: 10V


#8 Beitrag von amanda » 8. April 2010, 00:54

Hahahahahahaha I am glad you like the series.........I do But you might like this as well Seems audi have scored a real marketing coup

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article … sting.html

Revealed: The 24-year-old Labour hopeful whose Cameron Quattro poster got a pasting
By Colin Fernandez and Katherine Faulkner
Last updated at 7:47 AM on 05th April 2010
Comments (148) Add to My Stories When 24-year-old Jacob Quaglozzi won a contest to design a Labour election poster, he doubtless thought it was the first rung on the political ladder.
But yesterday his ambitions appeared to have been nipped in the bud after his idea backfired spectacularly.
An attempt to poke fun at David Cameron by portraying him as the politically incorrect Eighties TV detective Gene Hunt resulted in an own goal with the Tories turning it into a vote-winner for their leader.

It seemed like a good idea at the time: Jacob Quagliozzi, left, pictured beside the poster that won him the competition and, to the right of him, Ed and David Miliband
On the poster, Mr Cameron`s face is superimposed on to the body of Hunt, leaning on the bonnet of his Audi Quattro wearing snakeskin boots.
It claims Mr Cameron wants to return Britain to the Thatcher era, with the slogan `Don`t let him take Britain back to the 1980s.`
Within hours the Tories unveiled their own version, adapting Hunt`s catchphrase to say: `Fire up the Quattro. It`s time for change.`
A cheeky footnote added: (Idea kindly donated by the Labour Party).
Mr Quaglozzi, from St Albans, Hertfordshire, won a trip to the Saatchi and Saatchi advertising agency`s office as part of his prize for winning the poster contest open to Labour supporters nationally.

More...Labour scores own goal as `flattered` Cameron takes just four hours to hijack 80s Gene Hunt poster for Tory campaign
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He studied politics at Leeds University before becoming assistant manager of a fashion shop.
He was unavailable for comment yesterday but on a YouTube internet film clip he says: `Even though, you know, I was born half way through the Tories being in power, the effects of what they didn`t do during the recession in the 80s were still really felt in my community.`

On his Facebook page he writes: `Jacob Quagliozzi has drunk too much wine, smoked too many fags, is listening to the Beatles ... and can`t believe people really want David Cameron as PM. He`s a c**k.`
He also insults Tory-supporting Carol Vorderman, saying: `Carol Vorderman: ignorant, aloof and without any substance. No wonder she`s a Tory.`

His brother Roberto, 36, said Jacob had been a member of the Labour Party for as long he could remember and spent a lot of time canvassing during the last election.
`He`s very outgoing and likes to talk to people. He`s very into fashion and wacky hairstyles.
`I had no idea he was doing this poster. I hadn`t even seen it before. I think it`s quite funny.
`I don`t really get it because I`m not a big film fan but obviously it`s great that he`s done this and beat so many people to have his poster made.`
Mr Cameron said he was ` flattered` to be compared to DCI Hunt, played by actor Philip Glenister.
He said: `I think there will be thousands of people, millions of people, in the country who wish it was the 1980s and that police were out there feeling collars and nicking people instead of filling in forms.`
A Tory source said: `This is exactly the sort of rebranding exercise for Dave that we would like to achieve - making him cooler, less "posh" - but could not have initiated. Labour has done it for us.`
DCI Hunt has become a cult TV character since first appearing as a policeman in the time-travel series Life on Mars in 2006.

At the time reviewers described him as `an icon of political incorrectness, an object of transgressive female lust and a legend`.
It was followed by two series of Ashes To Ashes set in the Eighties.
Arriving home in Richmond, Surrey yesterday in a more up-to-date Audi Quattro, Philip Glenister declined to comment on the poster campaign.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article … z0kRxFNjeA

Moderator / Klimaguru
Beiträge: 1313
Registriert: 7. März 2012, 23:47
Bundesland / Kanton: ZwischendenzweiMeeren
Land: Deutschland
Mitglied in Q-Club ?: Ja
10V oder 20V oder SQ ?: 10V und 20V
Wohnort: In Sommerland bei Grønland


#9 Beitrag von clusterix » 12. April 2010, 01:32

Oh my God
some say the 10V engine is inefficient - here the truth:
the WR uses 50% for comfortable heating purposes
30% for power and torque - below 3000rpm = more heating avaiable!
20 % for waves of wonderful boneshaking sound
so the engine is 100% efficient..

Moderator / Klimaguru
Beiträge: 1313
Registriert: 7. März 2012, 23:47
Bundesland / Kanton: ZwischendenzweiMeeren
Land: Deutschland
Mitglied in Q-Club ?: Ja
10V oder 20V oder SQ ?: 10V und 20V
Wohnort: In Sommerland bei Grønland


#10 Beitrag von clusterix » 2. Mai 2010, 20:51

Good evening Amanda

i just view Episode 3 and 4

when seeing the little child on the beginning of episode 4 playing with the toy quattro and then the real quattro fires up and passes in front of him i see my nephew
so real quattro fanatism begins...

in fact these episodes have so much more quattro appeal then in season 1 and 2..

p.s. here a video of the making S03E04

Brave cameraman!


Soenke[Dieser Beitrag wurde am 02.05.2010 - 19:10 von clusterix aktualisiert]
some say the 10V engine is inefficient - here the truth:
the WR uses 50% for comfortable heating purposes
30% for power and torque - below 3000rpm = more heating avaiable!
20 % for waves of wonderful boneshaking sound
so the engine is 100% efficient..
